Show the number of Coveo results in facets within brackets

Last Thursday evening out of the blue, the client asked to see the result count inside of brackets. It is a very intuitive feature that gives the searcher an indication of the big picture when searching and filtering.


The ASK:

We were using the Coveo Atomic component, but there was no reason to not show the results inside brackets as it was the default behavior anywhere else. After much debugging, there was no indication of why the numbers were not within brackets but the client wants what the client wants. so, we took a short and simple way of implementing it using CSS.

.coveo {
  .coveo-facet-value-count:before, .coveo-facet-value-count:before {
    content: "(";

This solved all our problems and the client lived happily ever after.

~ Unless you are easily worried about everything, try not to stress. ~

Make Sitecore look good Again. Tip #2012: Add custom CSS to Launchpad

If you are like me, you are looking at Sitecore Launchpad if you are looking at light or dark Visual Studio all day and night, and sometimes in your dreams.


I needed to make some lifestyle changes, so I decided to try to change the layout and look of the Launchpad. As usual planning and research and actually finding the time to do this took way longer than the actual task.

I went deep into Sitecore. Learned about injecting JS and CSS into pipelines here, Things like adding a button to Launchpad, Adding controls in Content Editor in the Core database. Watched youtube videos with weird titles.

But at the end of the day, what I wanted to accomplish was really simple.

Go to your core database and find this item. /sitecore/client/Applications/Launchpad/PageSettings/

Add a new Page-Stylesheet-file item with a link to your CSS file.

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 11.15.30 PM

Guess what? That’s it.

My Launchpad now looks like below.

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 11.17.23 PM

Want the CSS. Here is it.




.sc-launchpad-item .icon{

.sc-launchpad-item .icon img{
	margin:5px 0px 0px 0px;

.sc-launchpad-item .sc-launchpad-text{
	background-color: #f7f7f7;
    background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(white, #f7f7f7);
    background-image: -o-linear-gradient(white, #f7f7f7);
    background-image: linear-gradient(white, #f7f7f7);
	text-align: left;
    padding-top: 5px;
    padding-left: 5px;

.sc-launchpad-item .sc-launchpad-text:hover{



~ Don’t change what’s inside of you. Change what’s around you.~

Make Sitecore Look Good Again. Tip #3021: Add CSS to the content tree items

Let’s make Sitecore beautiful. Here is a very little known thing that I personally haven’t seen getting too much attention but is a neat trick to show off your skillz.

Select the Item. Go to the configure tab. Then “Tree node style”. Enter all the CSS styles you know and want to show.

Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 5.48.49 PM

Be careful: A bit of wrong, weird or malformed CSS could break this. and you will the red screen of death next time you try to go to the Tree Node Style window.

To clean that up I usually spin up http://<your-sitecore>/sitecore/admin/dbbrowser.aspx

and go to the item’s style value and clean that up.

Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 6.13.47 PM


~ Enjoy the colors around you. ~