Docker desktop without full admin privileges.

Short answer it will not work in the long run.

The first problem I faced was this pop up with group membership error when trying to start.

Found the answer on the interweb.

net localgroup "docker-users" "<user_name>" /add

To create and modify group and add user, you will also need admin access. so keep your IT department on speed dial during this as well.

Even after this, I definitely saw other errors if you don’t have full admin privileges when trying to switch to windows containers, or starting the Docker engine service and during docker compose up.

So, realistically, I would not recommend running docker if you don’t have admin rights. But if you absolutely have to, just keep nagging IT for admin 😀

Docker Compose Up > Error Invoke-RestMethod : Unable to connect to the remote server

Running docker-compose up

and seeing this error

Do not worry.

Calm down.

Go grab a glass of water.

Restart everything.


Then run up again.

This is literally the most useless turn it on and off again blog post.

~ Sometimes you need to be like a circle, pointless. ~

Debug your code and attach it to processes running inside Docker

There I was, one fine afternoon, having a deep-fried twinkie and writing some commands for Sitecore. Sitecore was running in docker. so every code change, build, deploy, and sometimes run up.ps1 if there is an error, and cross my fingers and test the command. I wanted to attach Visual Studio to the w3wp process running on the cm image.

In Visual Studio follow these steps

Select Docker from the connection type dropdown

Click on “Find”
is this is your first time, visual studio will install a package in your docker from nuget so that it’s discoverable

Once you are connected to the right image

find your process and attach it.

Enjoy all your breakpoints.

~ Do not block someone else’s driveway. They may have to go somewhere. ~